Saturday, January 26, 2013

How Livestock Red Ants Without Trees

How Livestock Red Ants Without Trees - Developments how to raise red ants now no need to use the tree, because the tree is actually the media to make a home for ants. Media that can be used to raise the red ants are: jars, gallon mineral water, plywood, bamboo, plastic etc.. With the media also does not lose the results achieved by more efficient farmers red. Besides ants also durable, not like a tree that needs to be replaced because it is dry dressing or easily damaged leaves. Livestock red ants without trees are actually easy, simply provide a medium that will be used for cattle colony of red ants and red ants are going in cattle. Remember that red ants only be produced by the queen ants and red ants only colony that has its own tasks within the colony. Thus, the red ant queen is the core of the red ants that will result in the harvest. The more queen ants, more ants are generated.

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